If you’re looking to change the quality of conversation, especially in the topics that matter to you, this is the space to experiment and play. In this open space community, we will explore lenses and practices for dialogue and fold them into topics of conversation of your choosing.
Lenses we may explore:
- Curiosity, metaphor and symbol
- Will and Love
- Communicating with Head, Heart, Hand & Hunch
- Voices of advocacy, inquiry and challenge
An open space community every other Tuesday evening
Venue: NAV Sweden, NACKA STRAND, Cylindervägen 12, 4 floor
Date: March 24
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
RSVP: jules@julesbevis.com
Coordinator: Jules Bevis
Jules has been helping leaders in business to develop a psychological understanding of self since 2014. She brings a depth of knowledge from Jungian psychology, psychosynthesis and organisational development and she shares this in simple, playful, and creative ways. Jules came to Stockholm from the UK in September 2019, and wants to explore what’s possible in dialogue with other curious souls.