Biljetter (Mat ingår i priset)

& Konsert  

"What is home and belonging
in a changing world"

Guest artist: Carrie Tree

Välkommen till en kväll på NAV i Adventstidens tecken. God mat, dialoger och live-musik med bl.a den brittiska artisten Carrie Tree. Temat är "What is home and belonging in a changing world" och Carrie kommer dela musik och tankar kring den frågeställningen. 

With a troubadour free-spirit, and creative passion for life, UK singer-songwriter Carrie Tree sings with an honesty and devoted love for this earth and our human journey, touching a deep place inside the hearts of listeners. She draws us into a world of powerful storytelling and sublime melody with guitar, piano and voice, melting borders within us.
This artist has been a known name in Europe’s acoustic music scene for many years and has toured in countless retreats, festivals and concerts across the world, sharing her love of music and the depth of connection it can bring.

Längre ner i biografin kan du läsa mer och lyssna på Carrie Tree.
Eventet uppdateras vartefter...

Varmt Välkommen till en helkväll på NAV onsdagen den 30 nov

NAV Rotorfabriken
Mingel och mat från 17:30 
Adventsbuffé (ingår i priset)

Scenprogrammet startar ca 18:30
Snacks och dryck finns att köpa till bra priser

Biljetter: Entré and Buffé: 295 SEK

Online ticket: Live on YOUTUBE: 50 SEK (≈ 5€)
(link will be sent to you the day before)

Biljettpriser NAV-medlemmar
BAS-medlem: 250 SEK(promo code)
SUPPORTER-medlem: 250 SEK(promo code)
PARTNER-medlem: 195 SEK (för maten) (promo code)

Online Streaming via YouTube, 
NAV member: 0 SEK (promo code) 

Om du är medlem och har glömt din promo code.

Vill du bli medlem i NAV?
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Bas: 49kr/mån, Supporter: 99kr/mån, Partner: 299kr/mån 

Biljetter (Mat ingår i priset)

Allt du behöver veta

När: Onsdag , 30 november
Tid: Mingel och mat från kl. 17:30 
Scenprogram från kl 18:30 - 21:00 ca 
Var: NAV: Rotorfabriken, Värmdövägen 120
(entre vid Rotorslingan )

Biljetter: Entré and Buffé: 295 SEK
Online ticket: Live on YOUTUBE: 50 SEK (≈ 7€) 
(link will be sent to you the day before)

Biljettpriser NAV-medlemmar
BAS-medlem: 250 SEK(promo code)
SUPPORTER-medlem: 250 SEK(promo code) 
PARTNER-medlem:  195 SEK (för maten) (promo code)

Online Streaming via YouTube:
NAV member: 0 SEK (promo code)

Om du är medlem och har glömt din promo code. Mejla

Vill du bli medlem i NAV?
Läs mer här:
: 49kr/mån, Supporter: 99kr/mån, Partner: 299kr/mån

Biljetter (Mat ingår i priset)

Carrie Tree
UK singer-songwriter

With a troubadour free-spirit, and creative passion for life, UK singer-songwriter Carrie Tree sings with an honesty and devoted love for this earth and all within it, touching a deep place inside the hearts of her listeners. Creating a deeply intimate setting and with a powerful capacity for storytelling, Carrie weaves her soulful voice around guitar, piano and percussion, often touching on poignant subject’s and melting borders within us.

This artist has been a known name in Europe’s acoustic music scene for many years and has toured in countless retreats, festivals and concerts across the world.

She has collaborated live and in the studio with Damien Rice, Carly Simon, Fink, Albert Mazibuko (Ladysmith Black Mambazo), Rumer, Aukai, Mirabai Ceiba, Murray Kyle, Martha Tilston, Andy Barlow of Lamb, as well as countless other beautiful musicians.

Carrie has self-released 3 studio albums - The Kitchen Table, 'Home To The Invisible', and her latest ‘The Canoe' produced by Markus Sieber (Aukai/MIrabai Ceiba), with a follow up single Sweet Earth.Alongside her music, Carrie sees the need and power of therapeutic work to bring us back into balance with the earth, and has studied in Family Constellations, Holistic Voice Therapy, Zen Coaching, NonViolent Communication, Nature Connection and supports groups in Shamanic ceremony and ritual. Carrie is committed to the path of healing and connecting music to projects with the intention to bring ourselves and the environment into harmonic symbiosis.

LINKS:…SWEET EARTH filmed by Carrie on her phone:



REVIEWS/QUOTES:Photogroupie'a gift to be savoured like a summer breeze'' to carry a strong message... An early Marianne Faithfull''BBC WALES, Frank Hennessy‘As a whole the album is a reminder for us to reconnect with ourselves, the human race and nature.

’Photogroupie“(Human Kindness) could easily become an anthem for a campaign on human rights”Rootstime'her nomadic heart, absorbing lyrical imagery and deftly arrangements allow her to cross genres as easily as a canoe rides the waves.

'Photogroupie There’s a beauty within this album that bewitches and entices. The songs are beautifully scored and actually command your attention. Rather than just being about the singer and her songs they are delivered and presented in a way that suggests magic is at work here.'17 seconds

Carrie Tree

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